
Album art by Nora Guerrero

Set in the context of something similar to modern latin jazz, the closing track of the album sets a modern, forward-looking scene with the hope of energizing all current and future generations to help continue carrying on these traditions but not without pushing for their continued growth and adaptation. This track was largely composed by pianist Tom Hartnett and again features percussionists Michael McSweeney and José María Piedra on English and Spanish spoken word, respectively.


Lyrics & Spoken Word

Norte Sur, Este Oeste lo que importa es adelante
(North, South, East, West - what matters is forward)
Un futuro campante con coraje, con aguante
Que tu verbo sea acción y no un discurso vacío
Que hipnotice a un pueblo valiente y trabajador como el mío
No más violencia causada por líderes sin inteligencia
Paciencia luchadores de hoy que los de ayer también se cansaron
Sus corazones muchas veces atravesaron con mentiras y corrupción
Acaso es que nos queda alguna otra opción?

As we approach a fork in the road, we must decide
We must abide by the paths that lie before our eyes
Or must we?
Always a choice to be made, but rarely with all the options
If we could set our pride aside we’d devise a way to
Decompartmentalize the lies that comprise the rules of our lives
And realize how much more clearly we can see
When we rely on the guide of someone else’s eyes

Armémonos de música, de poesía, danza noche y día
Que se nos vaya el aliento solo por seguir cantando
Y que no falte el alimento que nutre la mente,
Que suenen los tambores en vez de los gritos de la gente,
Vamos hacia un futuro brillante cuidando lo que en verdad es importante

Norte Sur, Este Oeste, lo que importa es adelante.
(North, South, East, West - what matters is forward)



Braden Astorga-Rollins Saxophone
Allen Mendez Trumpet
Josh Nuss Trombone
Tom Hartnett Keyboard
Jorge Brito Bass
José María Piedra Batá, Spanish Spoken Word, Auxiliary Percussion
Michael McSweeney English Spoken Word, Auxiliary Percussion